(S1 Ep05) Khara Salt Lake 🟡

First ever Gold card, the coordinates of this card is not exact for obvious reason as this place is not that difficult to get to.


  • Coordinates: 32.11523804361086, 52.80009419455749
  • City: Khara, Iran 🇮🇷
  • Status: Not Found ❌
  • Found on: 


The trick here is to find that small lake as it is shown in the video and in the pictures above. It’s very easy to find, all you have to do is watch the video carefully and you’ll find it in no time.

Note: As it was the first one, I made it deliberately easy. All the other Gold card will not be as easy as this one.

Approximate location of the card

Let’s collaborate

Got something to share, any hidden place or just wanna hang out?

I keep updating my current location on website and Instagram so if you have any questions or any interesting hidden or remote place to share, submit it on the website or dm me on Instagram, Signal or Telegram